I only have two Angora rabbits at the moment a white one, Daisy, and a light grey one called Conner. It was Daisy's turn to be clipped this week. She is very good when I do this as she is used to it and I have become quite quick. It usually takes me about 20 to 30 minutes. Some commercial producers are much faster that this, but I like to take time to be careful not to catch the rabbit with the scissors. That is very easy thing to do as they have such loose skin. Most rabbits need clipping every 10 to 12 weeks, if you leave it any longer they become matted which is bad for the rabbit and makes it much more difficult to clip them. That makes the job take longer and upsets the rabbit which makes it struggle and more difficult to clip. A vicious circle.
Angora is a lovely fibre to spin, there is nothing softer. But it is not easy to do well and needs some practice. Some people are allergic to Angora so check before you try to spin any.
If you think you might like to keep an Angora rabbit. Please remember it is a huge commitment. They need fresh food and water every day just like any rabbit. But a coat that can grow up to 4" long need special care. Regular clipping,and a very clean hutch. Serious welfare problems can arise if you neglect these things. Having said that they make great pets and it is very satisfying to spin your own fibre.