Saturday was one of my favorite days of the month, a meeting of The Bucks Guild of Weavers Spinners and Dyers. For anyone who doesn't know there is a national association ofWS&D's and most county's have a branch. The Bucks Guild meets in Amersham on the first Saturday of the month. We have talks, workshops and practical days when we all work together and learn from each other. It's great to spend time with like minded people sharing ideas. If you want to know more and would like to see the events programme, go to Visitors are always welcome.
This month we had Bobbie Britnell talking about her work and inspirations. She was a very entertaining speaker and showed us some of her lovely art inspired quilts.

Some of the things she said about following your instincts to find the true artist in you rang a bell with me. I never believed I could be a true artist and always thought I was hopeless with colour and would never be able to design anything. So I just made what I liked, and that was it. That is how I found my way.Gaining confidence when other people liked my work as well. Not that everyone likes what I do all the time. It can be crushing when you have put a lot of work into something and the first person you show it to doesn't like it. Now I know someone will sometime. Even if they don't I know that I have made something I am proud of. I have tried to make things I don't like just to be commercial and make a sale. That never works. If I have to do that be be a success it's a lost cause and I will be poor and happy.
The cushion cover in the picture is a case in point. Not many people like it so it will properly be with me for ever. That is no hardship because I love it.
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