This is a Jacob fleece spread out for sorting. The top is the head end and the back legs are at the bottom of the picture. You will just have to trust me on this if you can't see it . It does take some practise to see the parts of a fleece. The dog is optional.
I have divided the fleece up into manageable sections. Trying to get course, soft and medium piles.

I have put a whole fleece in the bath but I don't recommend it. You will not have the use of your bath for days because of all the rinsing, and wet wool is very heavy, small bins are much easier to manage.

The fleece is hung on a fence to drip most of the water out in between rinses and put through a small stand alone spin dryer after the last rinse. Don't use your washing machine you will break it!

I had two dye baths left over from other projects. Cochineal, pink and Fustic, yellow. I hate to waste anything so I thought I would see what the Jacob would dye like and I love the result. From past experience I know that they will spin up to a lovely tweed effect in the different colours. Jacob also dyes well in indigo.
You have been busy! And managed to dry it in between downpours.
ReplyDeleteBimbi x